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Our customers are the top 500 international corporations in the world, including large chain stores (Broadway, Fortress, Watsons, Mannings, Sa Sa, etc.), banks (HSBC, Hang Seng Bank, Bank of China, Bank of East Asia, DBS, China Construction Bank, etc.), department stores (AEON, Sogo, CITY'SUPER), telecommunications companies (PCCW, Hong Kong Broadband, SmarTone, etc.) and various large enterprises (Hong Kong Jockey Club, CLP, AIA, Centaline Properties, Hong Tai Travel Services, etc.). We are committed to providing the most comprehensive tailor-made solutions for merchants | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Client: Ferrero Rocher Project: Lucky Draw Gift: The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong - Grand Seaview Room one night The St. Regis Hong Kong - One night accommodation & $2,500 cash coupon Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel - Deluxe room one night 5-star hotel - Afternoon tea set Le Creuset Casseroles Cocotte DeLonghi semi-automatic coffee machine OGAWA Mondo Touch Hot & Cold Handheld Massager RecolteRAO-1 air fryer |
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